Life | Let’s get down to business… to get this blog back up and running!

Life | Let’s get down to business… to get this blog back up and running!

Life. It gets in the way of most things, but I never thought in a million years that it would get to the point of me pretty much abandoning this blog after putting so much time and effort into building it up over so many years. But life happens, and I am back to feeling [...]

Lifestyle | 3 Reasons You Should Never Give Up

Lifestyle | 3 Reasons You Should Never Give Up

I'm the worst when it comes to getting knockbacks; I take it to heart, even if it wasn't necessarily my fault that something didn't go the way it was planned. It's one of those qualities that annoys a lot of people about me, but it's something that I can't help. However, I feel like i've [...]