Review: Oppenheimer (2023) – Film

Review: Oppenheimer (2023) – Film

When it comes to films, my taste in genre can fluctuate massively and historical films are definitely one of my guilty pleasures. I attribute it completely to growing up watching historical films, documentaries, and dramas at home with my dad. So when I heard about the Oppenheimer film being released a few weeks ago now, [...]

Life | Let’s get down to business… to get this blog back up and running!

Life | Let’s get down to business… to get this blog back up and running!

Life. It gets in the way of most things, but I never thought in a million years that it would get to the point of me pretty much abandoning this blog after putting so much time and effort into building it up over so many years. But life happens, and I am back to feeling [...]

Environment | Why We Should All Support the Climate Change Strike

Environment | Why We Should All Support the Climate Change Strike

So it's taken a while, but I'm back - and what a day to start blogging again. I'd heard about the Climate Change Strike which had been planned to take place across the UK and I have been following it all day on the news. Being on social media all day also gave me insight into [...]