#30DaysWild | Day Twenty One – Sit Out and Enjoy the Rain

#30DaysWild | Day Twenty One – Sit Out and Enjoy the Rain

I've had a wait a long time for this one - England's been going through a heatwave! Today, however, I managed to sit outside in a beer garden and enjoy the shower that ensued - it was refreshing, to say the least! Teeny tiny little raindrops on the table - it was the smallest shower [...]

#30DaysWild | Day Twenty – Re-Watch The Cove and Blackfish

#30DaysWild | Day Twenty – Re-Watch The Cove and Blackfish

I know this may seem like a strange challenge to set myself, but it's something that I want to explain. The Cove and Blackfish are what got me into wanting to protect the wildlife of our planet, and while I've seen both documentaries multiple times, there's just something about watching them while doing a month-long [...]

#30DaysWild | Day Nineteen – Eating Dinner Outside

#30DaysWild | Day Nineteen – Eating Dinner Outside

We've had a heatwave here in the UK, and while I'm not the biggest fan of hot weather (helloo... my most want to visit holiday destination is Iceland...) I am trying to make the most of it while it's here. As someone who suffers really badly with hayfever (my eyes literally bleed, guys.) I don't [...]