Why SeaWorld’s End to Orca Breeding Isn’t the End of Whale Captivity

Why SeaWorld’s End to Orca Breeding Isn’t the End of Whale Captivity

This post has been a long time in coming, mainly because I am struggling to fully comprehend what the future now means for the captive orca who reside at the SeaWorld parks. If you didn't know, SeaWorld announced that, as of the 17th of March 2016, they will no longer breed or artificially inseminate whales, [...]

Why Having Anxiety Sucks and What You Can Do About It

Why Having Anxiety Sucks and What You Can Do About It

I've always been an anxious person; from being a toddler, right up to being the 25 years of age that I am now. It's always been a thing I have had to deal with, even though I didn't really understand what it was up until I was about 15. I just thought that everyone felt [...]

3 Reasons Why We Still Need International Women’s Day

3 Reasons Why We Still Need International Women’s Day

Today is March 8th and although this was intended to be my next Mix It Up Monday, I thought that posting a more relevant post today would make more sense. Just in case you've been completely avoiding all media and news outlets, March 8th signifies International Women's Day - a day where women are celebrated [...]